What We Do
When working on a geotechnical engineering project, our team initially reviews its needed material properties as well as its published geological data and potential impacts.
From here, a site investigation program will be launched to gain an understanding of the area in or on which the engineering will take place. Investigations can include the assessment of the risks of natural hazards to humans, properties, and the environment.
Through our expertise, we can determine and design the type of foundations, earthworks, and pavement subgrades required for the intended structures to be built. Additionally, we provide subsurface investigation services to the following major areas:
- Highways
- Bridges
- Retaining Walls
- Rock Protections
- Dams
- Commercial
- Residential
- Solar
- Natural Gas Compressor Stations
- Gas Plants
- High Transmission Lines
- Cell Towers
- Wind mills
- Subsurface Investigation and Pavement Design per Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Guidelines
- Soil Stabilization or Reinforcement
- Slope Stability and Settlement Analyses
- Percolation or Infiltration
Our Team
With more than 17 years of experience in the field, Diop has served as the lead engineer in completing numerous projects for foundation design to support single- and multi-span bridges, water tanks, single and multi-family residences, and more.
He is also experienced in the inspection of dams, the evaluation and design of wastewater lagoon liners, the structural design of pavements to support both heavy duty and light duty traffic, as well as the analysis of the stability of embankment slopes.
Before starting Renaissance Geotechnical Engineering, Diop worked as the senior geotechnical engineer and department manager for C.T. Male Associates, Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Geology, D.P.C., in New York State.
Additionally, Diop held the same positions at EST, Inc., an engineering company based in Oklahoma and Texas.
Diop has handled numerous pedological and geological surveys in accordance with Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT). Below are some of the projects he completed:

- Thompson Island Suspension Bridge – Saratoga County, New York
- Single-Span Bridge Crossing a Tributary of Coeymans Creek – Albany County, New York
- County Road 65 Bridge Over Hunns Lake Road – Dutchess County, New York
- Covanta Span Bridge – Nassau County, New York
- County Road 21 (Noxon Road) Bridge Over Jackson Creek – Dutchess County, New York
- County Road 412 (Airport Road) Culverts Over Hannacrois Creek (Two Sites) – Albany County, New York
- Bog Meadow Trail, Single-Span Pedestrian Bridge Replacement – Saratoga County, New York
- 84 Lumber Company Pavement Evaluation and Design – Albany County, New York
- Newbury Hotel – Coxsackie, Greene County, New York
- Woodstock Development – Single Family Residence Including Rock Stability Evaluation – Ulster County, New York
- SUNY Oneonta Excavation Support Design – Otsego County, New York
- SUNY Potsdam – Carson Hall Renovation Elevator Shafts & Stairs – St. Lawrence County, New York
- Lake Walton Preserve Phase One – Dutchess County, New York
- Youth Parents United Transitional Housing for Young Moms – Schenectady County, New York
- Lofts at Harmony Mills Segmental Retaining Wall and Pavement Evaluation – Albany County, New York
- Spillway Rehabilitation and Engineering Assessment of Washington Lake Dam – Newburgh
- Engineering Assessment of the West Albany and Lake Ridge Dams – Albany County
- Lamson Causeway CR-11 Culvert Replacement – Orange County
- Binghamton Campus Pavement Rehabilitation and Reclamation
- Single-Span Bridge Replacement Over Oquaga Creek – Broome County
- Fall Kill Dam Engineering Assessment – Dutchess County
- Washington Lake Dam Spillway Rehabilitation for the City of Newburgh – Orange County
- Wheeler District Phase Two – Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
- The 16-Span Bridge Over the Red River Between Oklahoma and Texas
- The South Duncan bypass Roadways and Bridges – Duncan, Oklahoma
- US Highway 75 Roadway and Bridges in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma
- Multiple Compressor Stations across Oklahoma and some in Texas
- A Variety of Solar Sites Across the New York State
- Airport Pavement Design in Accordance With FAA Guidelines for Different Airports Across Oklahoma
- Model Based Engineering
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
- Professional Engineering
Sipher is a well-rounded senior geotechnical engineering executive with progressive engeneering responsibility and business leadership roles. He started as a lead geotechnical engineer at Froehling & Robertson, then progressed as office manager at F&R for 13 years, in which he was responsible for operations in a 40-person office. This was followed by 13 years as regional vice president and two years as chief operating officer.
As the president of F&R from 2014 to 2019, Sipher oversaw net revenues growth from $32M to $42M.
In late 2019, he worked as the vice president of engineering at Atlantic Testing Laboratories. He was responsible of growing engineering services across the company and mentoring young engineers in pursuit of professional licensing.
At present, Sipher has joined Renaissance Geotechnical Engineering as a senior engineer providing oversight and quality control on geotechnical reports. He also assists in mentoring young geotechnical professionals. Some of his completed projects include:

- SUNY Potsdam – Renovation of Carson Hall Elevator Shafts and Stairs – St. Lawrence County, New York
- Laurel Bed Dam, Russell Co, VA – designed a grouting plan to reduce excessive seepage 80%.
- Nelson County Dam, Nelson Co, VA – designed a baffle block spillway to increase capacity to 0.5 PMF.
- Lake Merriweather Dam – designed new PMF spillway.
- Ticonderoga Historic Sawmill Reconstruction – Ticonderoga, New York
- Colton DPW Salt Dome – S. Colton, New York
- Georgia Pacific Slab Reconstruction – Plattsburg, New York
- Rensselaer County Fire Training Facility – Rensselaer County, New York
- Port Ewen Water Tank – Port Ewen, New York
- Marcy Nanotech Building – Utica, New York
- Fairmont Water Reservoir – Syracuse, New York
- Delanson WWTP Addition – Delanson, New York
- Soway Facility – Massena, New York
- Clinton County School Addition – Champlain, New York
- Oklahoma
- Texas
- Colorado
- New York
- Massachusetts
- Pennsylvania
- New Jersey
- Connecticut
- Rhode Island
- Washington D.C.
- Maryland
- Virginia

Work With Us
Get started on your engineering project with the help of our expert ground assessment and evaluation services. Reach out to our team today to find out how we can help you. We look forward to serving you!